01 Apr 2023

David Gardner on Rule Breakers, Rule Makers, and Financial Freedom For All

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Motley Fool Money

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This podcast episode discusses various topics such as teaching children about investing, Motley Fool's history of April Fool's jokes, whether large tech companies can still be considered rule breakers, the social responsibilities of corporations, and the introduction of The Motley Fool Foundation. It emphasizes the importance of connecting investing with familiar products and services for kids, highlights the educational aspect of Motley Fool's April Fool's jokes, and argues that large tech companies like Apple, Amazon, and Alphabet have transitioned from rule breakers to rule makers. It also emphasizes the social impact of corporations and the efforts of companies like Starbucks and The Motley Fool Foundation. The podcast introduces The Motley Fool Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting financial freedom and supporting rule breakers who are finding innovative solutions for society's problems.
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