This podcast episode covers a wide range of topics related to mental health in the digital age, from the dangers of excessive video game usage to the effects of social media on our brains. It also explores the idea of setting boundaries and cultivating awareness to promote mindfulness and intentionality in the digital age. The episode concludes with a discussion of the challenges of finding purpose in the modern world and the importance of asking oneself what one truly wants in life.
• Addiction psychiatry research shows people vulnerable to addiction often lack awareness of their internal emotional state, leading to relapse.
• True value comes from things that fulfill us on multiple levels, rather than simply being difficult.
• Certain bacteria, such as ruminococcus, are associated with anxiety and mood disorders.
• Personalized diets are important as different foods may work for different people depending on their constitution and gut microbiome.
• True purpose comes from within and not from crowdsourcing or seeking validation from others.
• Dr. K's work focuses on helping people understand their minds and overcome challenges in the digital world.
• VR has the potential to create a sandbox game that allows people to practice social interactions and flirting, which could lead to safer and more fulfilling relationships.