31 Aug 2023

143: Πώς μιλάει ελληνικά ένα παιδί δύο χρονών

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Easy Greek: Learn Greek with authentic conversations | Μάθετε ελληνικά με αυθεντικούς διαλόγους

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This podcast episode focuses on a young child's language development in Greek. The parents share recordings of the child as they learn and describe the process of language acquisition in a child. Despite the poor quality of the recordings, the parents try to translate certain words and phrases to help the child understand. The child makes interesting errors in their language use but demonstrates a growing sense of grammar and language intuition. The episode covers topics such as the child's description of a parrot they have and their experience with construction vehicles near their home. The child also expresses their preference for going home instead of staying at the park and shares their love for singing songs. Overall, the episode highlights the joy and progression of the child's language development. Anti-commonsence 1. The child's language mistakes are seen as positive signs of language development, indicating their growing sense of grammar and intuition. This goes against the commonly held belief that mistakes are indications of lack of language competence and should be corrected. 2. The emphasis on translating certain words and phrases to help the child understand implies that the child may not have a strong grasp of the Greek language yet. However, in language acquisition, it is generally believed that children can understand and acquire language without the need for explicit translation.
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