30 Aug 2023
1h 11m

Scaling Ethereum To The Next Level with zkEVM

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This podcast episode explores the concept of zkEVM, type one ZK EVM, and its potential impact on the Ethereum ecosystem. zkEVM and Snarkification are explained as cryptographic breakthroughs that can enhance the scalability, security, and efficiency of Ethereum. The episode discusses the benefits of converting optimistic roll ups to ZK roll ups, upgrading Ethereum's layer one to a multi-threaded EVM model, and enabling ETH validators to run on small devices. The importance of performance, security, and scalability in the blockchain space is highlighted, with a focus on the technical details of zkEVM and its potential applications. The episode also touches on the challenges and complexities involved in implementing zkEVM and the ongoing efforts to optimize performance and achieve low proof latency. Overall, the episode provides insights into the importance of understanding zkEVM and Snarkification in the blockchain space for investors and developers. Anti-commonsence 1. One point of view that could be considered anti-commonsense is the claim that zkEVM and Snarkification will completely eliminate the need for large ZK proving rigs, making it more accessible and cost-effective to perform ZK proofs using a 16 GB desktop GPU. This claim may be misleading as the performance and efficiency of ZK proofs can vary depending on the complexity and size of the proof. It is unlikely that a 16 GB desktop GPU alone would be sufficient for all ZK proof requirements, especially in large-scale applications. 2. Another point of view that challenges common sense is the idea of achieving one-second proof latency for snarkified Ethereum validators running on resource-constrained devices like smartwatches. While there are ongoing efforts to optimize performance and reduce proof latency, achieving such low latency on devices with limited resources may require significant advancements in hardware acceleration and parallelization techniques. 3. It is also worth noting that the claim of snarkifying the Ethereum mainnet and fully scaling it using ZK proofs may be overly ambitious, as there are still technical and scalability challenges to overcome before such a transition can occur seamlessly. The scalability and performance improvements promised by zkEVM and Snarkification need to be thoroughly tested and validated in real-world scenarios before they can be widely adopted.
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