This podcast episode explores the mysterious story of Clarence Roberts, who was involved in two crimes that occurred ten years apart. The episode starts with a house fire, the discovery of Clarence's disappearance, and the initial suspicion of suicide due to financial troubles. However, doubts arise when Clarence's brother questions the positioning of a shotgun found near the body. Investigations and an autopsy are conducted, revealing evidence such as a Masonic ring and a belt buckle. The case becomes more complex as discrepancies in the initial theory and unusual autopsy findings are discovered. The investigation examines Clarence's military records, interviews family and witnesses, and investigates sightings of Clarence before the fire. The perplexing case includes unanswered questions, inconsistencies, and conflicting theories about Clarence's identity, disappearance, and possible involvement in the crimes. The episode also touches on a separate crime involving an attack on a woman, with possible connections to the fire. The unresolved nature of the case highlights the need for further investigation and definitive answers.
There is an anti-commonsense point of view in the transcript regarding the handling of the investigation and evidence. The subpar investigation in 1970, where evidence was likely lost or poorly preserved, hindered the progress in solving the mystery. The lack of recent updates and modern tools, such as genetic genealogy, further limits the investigation. This perspective questions the competence and effectiveness of law enforcement in handling the case, which goes against the common expectation that investigations should be thorough, evidence should be properly preserved, and modern tools should be utilized to aid in solving mysteries and crimes.