"The Blind Side" is a movie that tells the story of Michael Orr, a black football player who was adopted by a wealthy white family. The movie was a huge success and garnered awards, but years later, Michael Orr accused the family of lying about his adoption and profiting from his story. This revelation shattered the fairy tale image created by the movie and raised questions about the authenticity of the story. In this podcast episode, the hosts explore Michael Orr's challenging childhood and rise to football stardom, highlighting his journey from poverty to success. They discuss the legal relationship between Orr and the family, delving into the controversy surrounding his adoption and the allegations of financial exploitation. The hosts also delve into the concept of conservatorship, as it relates to Orr's situation. The episode raises doubts and concerns about the true nature of the relationship between Orr and the family, and the hosts express curiosity about what led to the breakdown of their relationship. The story that was once seen as heartwarming is now tarnished, and the hosts encourage listeners to follow the court docket for further insights into the ongoing legal battle.
The hosts express curiosity about what led to the breakdown of the relationship between Michael Orr and the Tooie family, suggesting that there may be more to the story than previously thought.