20 Aug 2020

Ep. #54 | When Adults LOSE IT

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The Tablo Podcast

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This podcast episode explores the importance of managing emotions and maintaining composure in various situations. The speakers discuss the negative consequences of making impulsive decisions based on emotions and emphasize the need to prioritize problem-solving. They share personal experiences and examples to illustrate the impact of emotions on decision-making and the importance of setting aside ego. The episode also delves into the topic of tantrums, both in children and adults, highlighting the need to teach healthy ways of expressing needs and wants. The speakers discuss incidents of public tantrums and the implications of rudeness and entitlement. Additionally, the episode emphasizes the significance of addressing inappropriate behavior and the importance of civil discourse in resolving conflicts. The speakers acknowledge the role of emotions in stressful situations but stress the value of staying calm and composed. The podcast concludes with a discussion on the cathartic nature of expressing emotions and the potential dangers of wild animals like pandas.
Q & A
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