This episode explores the historical evolution of tribalism and its connection to the contemporary rise of populism. Francis Fukuyama, a senior fellow at Stanford University, defines tribalism specifically as societies organized into lineage segments based on descent from a common ancestor, a stage between band-level and state-level societies. He argues that tribal organization offered a military advantage, enabling larger-scale conflict and resource control, leading to their dominance over band-level societies. Against this backdrop, the emergence of state-level societies, characterized by centralized power and institutions, is discussed, contrasting their hierarchical structures with the relative democracy of tribal societies.
More significantly, Fukuyama delves into the ideological underpinnings of these societal forms. Tribal societies relied on ancestor worship, while state-level societies developed more complex ideologies like axial religions (e.g., Islam's unifying "ummah") to manage larger populations. He then distinguishes between innate human tendencies toward social cooperation (inclusive fitness, reciprocal altruism, norm-following) and socially constructed definitions of in-groups and out-groups. For instance, the conflict in Bosnia is cited as an example of socially constructed divisions overriding genetic similarities.
The discussion pivots to the rise of populism, tracing the shifting definitions of in-groups and out-groups throughout history. Fukuyama argues that populism, exemplified by leaders like Viktor Orban and Donald Trump, leverages democratic legitimacy to undermine liberal institutions by appealing to narrow, often ethnically defined, national identities. This contrasts with the broader, more inclusive identities fostered by liberalism. In conclusion, while acknowledging the deeply ingrained human tendencies toward in-group favoritism, Fukuyama emphasizes the socially constructed nature of these group definitions, offering hope that through appropriate institutions and leadership, more inclusive and tolerant identities can be fostered, countering the rise of divisive populism.