13 Oct 2023

How to make carbon neutral zones sustainable?

Podcast cover

Round Table China

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This podcast episode delves into the concept of carbon neutrality zones, areas where greenhouse gas emissions are reduced to a minimum, and explores the various methods to achieve this goal. The discussion covers the need to identify major emitters and address the complex issues surrounding carbon neutrality, including its impact on people's livelihoods. Inspiring examples of successful carbon neutrality zones are presented, along with the challenges of establishing such zones, encompassing technological, economic, and environmental aspects. The conversation also examines the impact of innovative technologies and the need for their efficient utilization to transition to carbon neutrality, while highlighting the unique challenges faced by developing countries and the importance of respecting cultural and resource variations. The episode concludes by emphasizing the need to navigate the risks of cookie-cutter carbon neutrality approaches and to incorporate green spaces and preserve local diversity in urban environments.
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