23 Jul 2024

Phone Phreaking: The Advent of Hacking

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This podcast episode explores the world of phone phreaking, a precursor to modern hacking, and its origins in the 1950s. Phone phreakers were individuals driven by curiosity and a desire to understand the intricate workings of the telephone system. By replicating tones and manipulating the system, they were able to make free long-distance calls and explore hidden channels within the network. This episode also delves into the golden age of phone phreaking, the impact of the Esquire magazine article "Secrets of the Little Blue Box," and the evolving landscape of phreaking from blue boxing to cell phone hacking. The discussion highlights the power of curiosity and exploration in the realm of technology and the legal implications of phone call surveillance by AT&T. Overall, this episode showcases the pioneering spirit of phone phreakers and their significant contributions to the hacking culture.
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