This podcast episode focuses on the evolving landscape of cybersecurity as a broad perspective, the importance of board involvement and understanding their legal exposure, the role of the CISO and the challenges they face, and the need for cybersecurity regulation to be forward-looking and risk-based, rather than the current check-the-box compliance model.
• Cybersecurity is not just a technical issue but involves human and economic factors as well, requires a broader perspective, and is an enterprise-wide risk management issue.
• The NACD ISA cyber risk handbook provides guidance on creating a culture of security, having better cyber risk management, and aligning cybersecurity with business goals.
• The CISO should not be solely responsible for cybersecurity as it is an enterprise-wide issue.
• There is a shortage of cybersecurity personnel, which hinders the implementation of technology and standards, and creating a virtual Cybersecurity Academy and an economic cybersecurity model could address this issue.
• Cybersecurity regulation should be forward-looking and risk-based, rather than the current check-the-box compliance model.