13 May 2016

116| How to be Honest with Women and Keep Your Integrity (Even in Open Relationships) - Johnny Soporno

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DSR: Become a Better Man by Mastering Dating, Sex and Relationships (formerly Dating Skills Podcast)

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This podcast episode explores how to maintain honesty and integrity while dating multiple women without hurting anyone. The guest, Johnny Soporno, shares his experiences and expertise in living a polyamorous lifestyle openly. He emphasizes the importance of open communication, honesty, and transparency in relationships. Johnny believes that promoting a win-win solution to men and women's relations is beneficial for both parties. The speakers also discuss the concept of hiding one's true self in relationships, the benefits of polyamory, and the speaker's approach to open relationships. Overall, the episode emphasizes the transformative power of honesty and authenticity in relationships and challenges societal expectations and double standards regarding sexuality.
Q & A
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