07 Apr 2024
1h 1m

The Great Dechurching, with Michael Graham and Jim Davis

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White Horse Inn

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This podcast episode explores the concept of "dechurching," which refers to individuals who have transitioned from regular church attendance to attending less than once per year. The episode discusses the reasons behind the rise of dechurching in America, including significant events in the 1990s, the impact on the secular right, and the profiles of dechurched evangelicals. It also presents a comprehensive analysis of distinct groups of deconstructed Christians and explores the complexities of dechurching. The episode emphasizes the importance of welcoming back those who have left and addresses the need for churches to be intentional in reaching out to dechurched individuals. Additionally, the episode discusses the impact of life transitions and the need for a comprehensive approach to address dechurching. It also highlights effective strategies for reaching out to dechurched individuals and the transformative power of church attendance on mental health. Ultimately, the episode underscores the crucial role of the church and the gospel in fostering the well-being of individuals.
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